Original design and refined strategy for  brands in beauty & aesthetic services. 

We help imaginative entrepreneurs in beauty and aesthetic services harness the power of branding to convert clients into super fans, and establish their brand as the foremost expert in their space. 

Stop the comparison game + and daily struggle to call in the specific clients who value your business + your services, and transform your reputation and status through strategic design. 

Are you tired of fielding low budget clients who nickel and dime every service, at every appointment? 

Feeling frustrated posting on instagram, wondering how to connect with your ideal clients and worrying about creating another random canva graphic? 

Getting fed up feeling like you’re competing with other businesses on price, rather than developing a cult following of clients who only want to book with you? 

After working with brands in beauty and wellness services for 3+ years, I can tell you there’s nothing your brand is inherently missing. Your business is as unique as you are, and has the potential to grow into the type of blooming brand you’ve spent years watching on Instagram.

I’ve dedicated my business to helping businesses in beauty and wellness services create brands that actually stand out in saturated markets, effortlessly establish trust as a luxury service, and use their branding foundation to create a holistic image that attracts more of the clients you love. 

Our process involves finding that unique element that only your business has, and marrying that with strategic design.

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website design 

At Lydia Megdal Studio, we offer website design specifically tailored to your business and the client journey your customer takes from first discovering your business, to becoming a repeat booker of your services. We specialize in strategic and intentional “omg, that’s SO me” design, to keep customers engaged and your business’s online experience packed full of emotion evoking visuals and conversion focused layouts. 

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brand design 

Our branding experiences create a visual foundation for your business, specifically formulated to lean into exactly what makes your business unique, and combining that with scroll stopping design that attracts your dream clients and brings your aesthetic ideas to life. 

  • Book out your services months in advance 
  • Position your business as the go-to in your space 
  • Raise your rates confidently, with zero pushback 
  • Create a clientele of cult followers 

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Creating unique brands that people lean into.

Specializing in original design and refined strategy for brands in beauty & wellness services. We help imaginative entrepreneurs harness the power of branding to convert clients into super fans, and establish their brand as the foremost expert in their space. Get ready to stop being “one of many”, and start actually standing out, establishing trust as a luxury service, and booking out your services effortlessly. 

why yes, I do have a newsletter 

But it's fun, I promise.  it's not like the other newsletters. 

Okay it might be, but you'll also get access to template shop discounts, branding tips, studio news, & musings on all things design & social media. A deal if you ask me!

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