Lover of all things beach related, passionate about all things wellness, even more passionate about any happy hours over which community is built.   

I'm a big fan of helping other women, experts, and entrepreneurs build their brands + connect with their most aligned community online, specifically through holistic design + content strategy. 

In other words: designing brands, building websites, and strategizing social media to help you step into your authority as an industry leader, grow your community online, and connect with your dream clients effectively 

hi, I’m lydia (obvi)

more about me

what I’m about: 

I’m all about helping women build brands that inspire their community to take action:

-to apply for their 1:1 coaching offer 

-to engage on their social media content

-to build relationships with impact 

- to support their business in all forms (we’re talking ride or die repeat clients)

They’ve tried it all. 

They’ve tried traditional branding packages, they’ve tried viral social media hacks, and yet, they’re still on the hamster wheel of client attraction, copying other experts, and feeling like they’re doing ALL the things in their business, but still not getting the results (or lifestyle) they want. 

Here's what I've found:

So many business owners are stuck in the comparison trap, frustrated with stagnant social media presences, wondering what it would take to build a sustainable business that supports the lifestyle they desire, and are ready to step into their position as the go - to girl in their industry

Here’s the thing- It’s not you that’s the problem: 

Here’s my solution: 

Combining holistic visual brand design with personal branding strategy 

build your dream brand

Essentially, looking at your business as a personal extension of you, identifying what sets you apart in the market, and amplifying that in your online presence. 

My Services

the online component

Social Media Strategy

I help you strategize an approach to your online presence that gets you off the rollercoaster of content creation, and into a personal + unique social media presence that speaks to your ideal clients’ desires, books out your 1:1 services, and cultivates a community built on relationships + aligned interests 

let's work together

the web strategy

Website Design

Using your brand identity as an aligned foundation, I build holistic websites that strategically position your business as the expert your dream clients are looking for, by clarifying your unique value and effectively communicating your service offerings 

let's work together

the visual strategy

Brand Design

I design brands that not only feel authentic and true-to-you, but also seamlessly attracts your dream clients, and communicates your vibe + the value of your services

let's work together

Amplify your authentic vibe + value 

and become their                follow 

and become their favorite follow

start the process


why yes, I do have a newsletter 

But it's fun, I promise.  it's not like the other newsletters. 

Okay it might be, but you'll also get access to template shop discounts, branding tips, studio news, & musings on all things design & social media. A deal if you ask me!

success! you're on the list